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?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??
What kind of dancer are you? (Girls only)
You are an Exotic Dancer. You are the sexy lady in
the group, you love to play with people's
minds, you never show your true intents to
anyone, you like to have a lot of friends so
you don't get bored and this goes the same with
men, you don't like the strict guy who gives
you orders like he owns you, nobody does, cuz
you were born free and nothing would change
What kind of kiss are you?
You are a child's kiss. Completely sweet and
innocent and pure. You mean no harm and only
love in your sweet kisses.
What's Your Angel Seeking For?
The Truth
Your angel seeks for the truth.
Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the
kind of person who values honesty more than
most things in this world. You are
strong-willed, and a bit stubborn at times. In
love, you seek for someone who will understand
you, and never cheat on you. This would
probably hurt you a lot, as it would to a lot
of people. But it would probably hurt you the
most. You are brutally honest, and you voice
your opinions a lot. Go you!
What Inuyasha Character are you?
Your Kagome! you like to hang out with your friends
and are always the first person to volunteer to
show a new student around, you are kind and
giving and enjoy having a occasional sleep-over
with the girls!
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