Friday, November 18, 2005

Ultimate Internet Quiz from Ryan and co.

Apparently Ryan and his friends made up this ultimate internet quiz last year, and I've been challenged to answer 1/3 of it. So here you go....

  1. What was your best year? Why?

    It was probably 2000, because I had great friends, spent the summer in Europe, and had a bunch of great jobs: running research expos and anime store. Plus I was pres of the anime club, so I was the ultimate ruler, before I got burned out.

  2. If you had to throw someone off a building, who would it be? Who would this person land on?

    Well I wouldn’t deliberately want to hurt someone, so I was throw a corpse over, and if it hits someone like, a certain CFO who makes life much too interesting, then it’s not my fault.

  3. What is the longest you've maintained a close-friend relationship? With whom?

    Vivian’s been my friend since 3rd grade. ^_^

  4. Name one thing you wish you'd done differently.

    I think I shouldn’t have told that guy I hated his guts in 4th grade, when his friends where teasing me about how he liked me. *_*

  5. What one sin should be taken off the list of Seven Deadly Sins? What should be added?

    Gluttony, I don’t see anything wrong with eating a lot, plus greed is already on there so it’s a little redundant. They should add deceit, not sure if it wasn’t added since it was covered in the 10 commandments though

  6. The moment in your life you'd most like to re-experience.

    I once had this dream (actually dream while sleeping) that I was living in this gorgeous beach house/condo with three cute guys. I woke up and they were cooking me breakfast, going to do my laundry, and willing to drive me around. That would be nice. In reality, I think I’m always looking forward to new experiences with great friends, but even if you try to do something again it’s never the same as the first time.

  7. You can spend a week anywhere/anytime in history. Where do you go?

    I wish I could go back to a time that would help someone: ie go back to the week of sept 11, and tell someone about the bombs on the planes. But I tend to believe in predestination that if something was going to happen then it would, and you can’t change history. And I’m not that enamored of history, to want to see something bad. So maybe it would have been fun to spend a week in China on a river tour last fall.

  8. 8) What movies/books/TV shows did you act out as a kid?

    I used to sing Disney songs a lot…does that count?

  9. What behavior do you find morally objectionable (or too risky to try), but extremely tempting?

    Hmmm…skinny dipping. Too risky to try, the water would be freezing.

  10. Which song lyrics capture you or an event in your life most clearly?

    So I only listen to lyrics of songs when I’m moody and depressed or in musicals. When I broke up with my ex, I could probably identify with 20 break-up songs esp Don’t want think about you from Simple Plan. But I really like Crazy by Simple Plan, because I think it’s really true and I feel the same way.

  11. Your most representative childhood comment/anecdote/mindset:

    Happily ever after. I believed in fairy tales.

  12. "Might have been the losing side. Doesn't mean it was the wrong one." When has that applied to you?

    Sure, but who determines who “won”?

  13. Favorite word or phrase in a foreign language

    “suki” is the verb, like, in Japanese. It’s cool to say and it’s only one syllable

  14. What food would you cry about having eliminated from your diet?

    Mangos….I don’t get those often enough.

  15. What is the BEST smell, and what does it mean to you?

    Vanilla…..yummy very relaxing.

  16. Name five [non-physical] qualities that draw you to a person

    Confidence, intelligence, easy going humor, generosity, honesty

  17. 17) And five [non-physical] things about someone that turn you off. [No points off for pettiness.]

    Snoring, negativity, uselessness (or people who never help out), boring conversationalists, cheapskates

  18. If you could eliminate three things from your life, what would they be?

    Driving, freezing weather, weekend workdays

  19. What would you want to be reincarnated as?

    Cat- spoiled cat - with a nice owner with enough money to pamper me.

  20. Build your dream house. Now describe it.

    On a private beach that allows dogs. Small and comfortable with two levels lots of windows, and a stream in the back with a small, wooden bridge running over it. High speed internet, good cell phone signal, a full sized laundry, excellent plumbing/electricity, jacuzzi would be nice, and within 10 min drive to a grocery store, movie theater, bakery, and a few really good, preferably cheap, asian and french restaurants.

  21. It's two hundred years in the future, and your name is still remembered. What for?

    The great-great-great…grandmother who won the lottery and built the family fortune.

  22. You're casting it all aside and running away. You've got nothing but the money you have/can take from the bank now. Where do you go?

    I’d go live in bay area California. And after all my money ran out I’d hang out with my parents or whoever can give me free rent for a while. *_*

  23. Give yourself a nickname (e.g., Becky "Barracuda" Cooper)

    I like barracuda. But hmmm…Andrea Banana?? *_*

  24. Everyday person who's had an effect on your life that they'd be surprised to hear about:

    Nomi, I like how she can make people feel good, even when she’s tell them bad news. I try to go that too. *_* not sure if it’s working.

  25. Pick one fictional character each to do, dump, and marry.

    To do: Rejar from Rejar by Dara Joy,
    To dump: Anakin from Star Wars
    To marry: Prince Hall from the Unhandsome Prince by John Moore….but maybe when he’s a bit older, or Jeffrey, his older brother. They’re nice and sweet.


Anonymous said...

Awww.... you're my oldest friend too. BTW, I love your answer to #21. I want to be remembered for creating the family fortune too.

cyshas said...

Thanks viv! Good luck on those MBA applications. We'll get that fortune one day. *_*