Sunday, December 25, 2005


I am battling pre-legal-dependency urges as I step back into my parents’ home. I see their bulk filled pantry, courtesy of Costco, and think: wow look at all that food, maybe I could take a couple bowls of instant sesame noodles and a six pack of drinks back with me. They have also stocked up on a boatful of toiletries that could be useful in my home. There are only two things stopping me. One, I don’t feel like carrying a heavy suitcase full of groceries. Two, I realized I’m not in college anymore. It’s interesting to see how I tend to fall back into old habits when I return home back to phoenix. Afternoon naps, lying around watching marathons of anime, and relying on my parents to take care of me. I guess this is called being lazy in general.

However, I do feel more obligated to contribute to the household. I am trying to be more considerate and make an effort to contribute to household chores. In the past, my parents had to constantly remind me to clean counter tops after I made a mess cooking or even to do my own dishes, so I have matured in small ways. They are still rejecting my immaterial monetary contributions to their livelihood. Instead of being able to help with the two mortgages and series of remodeling expenses, I will be providing small impractical presents that they will hopefully enjoy. ^_^ Yet since my parents retired and are more financially limited than they were in the past, I wonder when do I grow up and truly help take care of them.

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