Monday, March 13, 2006


So...back in January, my parents found out about my photo blog, even though I didn't tell them about it. I wasn't trying to be secretive. I didn't believe I had posted anything they'd be interested in. But it had me wondering whether they read this blog as well. They haven't mentioned anything about reading it. Yet it is linked to my original website, right under the link for the photo blog. So now I am trying to remember if I posted anything on this blog that I didn't particularly want my parents to know about. Probably. But the reason for them to not know is so that they won't worry them about my future behavior. But even if they had known what I did, I haven't felt unusually smothered with parental concerns. Does that mean I'm in good shape? Does it mean I've finally matured in their eyes, and they know they don't have to worry about me? Or does it mean that I didn't realize their parental concerns in the past were really a catalyst of one of my blogs. Or maybe they just don't read this blog, and they really don't know anything outside of what I tell them. Then again I didn't realize Ryan was secretly reading my blog until he 'fessed up. So who knows...

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