Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Yes I know I haven’t updated in a while. I've been out and about. A lot has been happening in terms of friends coming to visit, trips, and work. I'll be busy with these types of activities throughout the rest of the year, so I'm a little too tired to think of something witty to say.

But in the meantime, I've been really trying to think about what I want to do with my life. I still need to pass two parts of the CMA exam (three parts if I want to get the CFM as well). After that, I'm not sure. There are definitely a lot of opportunities within my company, but I've been thinking of trying to get into the entertainment industry....either through a MBA degree or just moving to LA. Yet I'm not sure if I'm deluding myself in thinking the entertainment business industry will be more interesting than the tech industry for me. I mean I love animation and movies, but finance/accounting may just be the same everywhere. If that's the case, I should just stay with a good company that gives me three weeks of vacation. Even if I continue with this company, I miss the west. I've heard go things about San Jose and Denver, and I can look into finding a job to transfer to. Anyway I'll have to do some research and visit a few areas before I can make a decision...

For those of you who always ask that infamous question: How's your love life? Yeah....I've stopped dating again. I'm just not into it. I can't seem to meet anyone that I want to truly date, nevermind be just friends with. That's why, I'm suddenly so focused on my career again. *_*

1 comment:

cyshas said...

Yeah I do have the wanderlust these days. Well just remember, I live 1hr out of NYC. Any even though it doesn't seem far, it is hard to socialize with anyone down there. And up here it's hard to find people to hang out with. Anyway, I dont' know I'm always so restless. At first I thought it was senoritis, but that malady should be over by now. *_* hehe...hopefully you won't ever need to know what the CMA or CFM are.....