Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Sexy Voice

I was listening to the radio on the drive home, and this girl with a really sexy voice came on. She made me think of luscious lips, long hair, big eyes, and full firm breasts. I was thinking, “wow I wish I had a voice like that.” But then the DJ mentioned she was waif-like. OK there went my voluptuous image, but she still sounded sexy. And she was still pretty from the way the DJ was reacting to her.

I really don’t think I’ve ever noticed such an incredibly sexy voice before. I mean maybe I’ve heard some on TV, but I tend to be distracted by the visual images and don’t notice the audio effects as much. And I don't plan on calling 1-900 numbers trying to find one.

Anyway, it’s amazing sometimes…the expectations people have based on the way others sound. There was this one woman at work who we all expected, from her phone voice, to be young, blond, and thin. When we all saw her photo, we were like “woooah….” Yeah, in other words, speechless. She was older, heavy boned, with really short brown hair. But she still had a cool, cheerful phone voice.

I think a great talking voice is awesome, because it really makes people want to listen. Unfortunately it's something you’d need to be born with. As it is, I think my voice is child-like and is only good for an impersonation of Aqua singing Barbie Girl. Ah well….that’s life.

5/18 - P.S. I just got a phone call and the woman asked to talk to my 'mommy." Great.

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